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By Laura Araujo


April 9, 2021

Stillness sounds great, in theory, but most of us get uncomfortable with it pretty quickly, immediately mentally or physically filling the void. Thanks to the demands of our families, our work, the little pings on our phones, and culturally-driven desire to achieve and not get left behind, most of us just can’t fathom the indulgent luxury of stillness. And yet, the rewards of seeking silence abound, and perhaps are not so luxurious after all — if you can let go and make stillness a part of your life.

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By Laura Araujo


March 31, 2021

Meditation doesn’t need to be as complicated as you might think. The Japanese, in fact, have a number of practices that can help you integrate so-called moving meditations into your day, and one of the least well-known is Kinhin (Kin’ Yin’), or the practice of walking meditation. It’s special because it’s integrated into something that all of us already do: walk!

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