Research has found that balneotherapy treatments of 38-42 degrees Celsius decrease our C-Reactive protein (CRP levels) — which are inclined to increase in due to inflammation. This allows for a soothing our hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis (that triggers our fight-freeze or flight state).

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While you may have tried some form of meditation in the past, because of these challenges, you may have had trouble forming a sustainable practice.

This may be because you haven’t found the appropriate meditation technique for you, but for many, it’s because they have uncertainty about the HOW of meditation. How does this thing actually work?

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When your brain isn’t focused on a task, it switches into autopilot mode whenever it can. This switch to automatic processing allows your brain to rest its prefrontal cortex.

Autopilot can be incredibly helpful, especially when we are talking about brushing our teeth, flossing, dressing ourselves, checking the mail, cleaning the kitchen, it saves us unnecessary decision-making.

The danger is when we don’t notice that we’ve slipped into this mode.

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Not only does constantly striving to achieve things potentially up our cortisol levels and mess up our microbiome, it creates neuropathways that are not conducive to a mindful existence. In other words, the more we focus on doing things, the more our mind rewires around that, which makes us harder to be mindful — which, in case you’ve not been following along, ain’t so great.

So how do we mindfully go the other direction? By getting more rest.

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