While listening with our ears is what most of us think about when we talk about listening, there is a much more dynamic form of listening that you might consider a function mindfulness.
Hearing is something that we all do automatically, all day long. It’s the functional act of being stimulated by sound. Listening, on the other hand, is directing our full, thoughtful attention to that sound for the purpose of gaining understanding.
Our intake of oxygen has lost is preciousness. And, like any great love affair, your relationship with your breath will take time, effort, and a little flexibility. How many of the 20,000 breaths you took today did you given some lovin’ to?
In case your week did not go as planned and you weren’t able to “check off” all of your mindfulness boxes, I wanted to let you know that you are not alone. (Note: if you’re scratching your head wondering what I’m talking about, I’m referring to last week’s 7-day mindfulness challenge. If you missed it,
Okay, admit it, you’ve probably heard the big fat M-word (mindfulness) repeated ad nauseam and that it is the “secret sauce” to thriving in the new digital era, and amid the corona-apocalypse. Yeah, mindfulness. But what does it actually mean? Well, first and foremost, we can understand mindfulness as being fully aware and conscious of the situation and moment at
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